Programs & Workshops

Teach One Reach One Program

Teach One Reach One is a life skills prep class. This program is an ongoing once a month life hands on educational training program, designed for children and youth, ages 5 to 17. Teach One Reach One was designed to teach children proper life skills that will help them to exceed and navigate through life a little easier. Courses include:

  • Understanding your Citizen Rights
  • How to Invest and Save
  • How to Change a flat Tire
  • Home Economics (cooking, sewing, ect.)
  • What to do if you are arrested
  • Buying your First Home
  • How to Obtain and Use Credit Wisely
  • Physical and Nutritional Ways to Stay Healthy and In Shape
  • Effective Communication
  • Creating Generational Wealth
  • How to write a resume

And so many more ………

*  This program is offered onsite in person. Students may zoom in for courses upon request. For upcoming dates and enrollment information please email us at:

I.D. Me History Workshop

I.D. Me is a one day, two hour  self-awareness and identity workshop. This course is designed to educate children of African American descent of their ancestral heritage and the historical and biblical origins of their beginnings. When you ask the average African American individual to identify where he or she originated from or trace their roots beyond the bands of slavery, it is more often than not impossible to do, due to a lost and intentionally hidden history. Hosea 4 :6 says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” In Daniel 12:4 it says, “…… And knowledge shall be increased.” This workshop is designed to bridge the gap from ignorance to knowledge by teaching  children that there is more to African American history beyond slavery, oppression and deprivation, that they have repeatedly been exposed to through the traditional education system. This workshop aims to give our children their identity and self-worth back by educating and awakening them to our rich and biblical heritage, so that they can pass an inheritance and wealth of knowledge to the next generation.

“A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children….” Proverbs 13:22

This workshop is offered in person onsite, as well as remote. This workshop is also available for adults and can be brought to your church group, school or any gathering. For more information please email us at: